CONTROLS: WASD, Space to jump, and click on the game to hide cursor and look around. All you can do is push sheep and explore. Have fun!

This is a cute sheep herding demo I created in university, and while the function never got used, I still love how it came together. 

I would love to continue this project and do a more realistic but still stylized look and have a much broader exploration area. And more sheep types and behaviors as well. 

While I didn't make the assets myself, there were unique challenges trying to combine them together. For instance, the sheep model that matched the low poly style came without animations so I used a different sheep that was animated and used blender to transfer the bones and animations to the low poly sheep. Which didn't work perfectly, and now they walk with very proud heads. 

I used free 3D asset packs to build them a cute environment and provide obstacles to navigate around, and modified the herd behaviors to more closely match my sheep goals. In a more developed version of this game I would love to modify the movement even more with opportunities for resting and wandering and running should they feel the need to. 

This project uses:

Simple Nature Pack by JustCreate 

Studyspoon's Unity Movement Ai

Customizable Skybox by Keymouse:

Mini First Person Controller by Simon Pasi

Sheep sounds captured by michaelperfect

Sheep model by ArtbakeGraphics

Sheep animations are from a different sheep model which has since been removed from sketchfab, which is tragic so I can't attribute properly. 

Published 10 days ago
TagsCasual, Farming, sheep, Walking simulator

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