Rapid Prototype: Red
CONTROLS: WASD, Space to jump, Left Shift to sprint, and click to collect the red objectives
This is yet another 1 week project from 3 years ago, which presented new and interesting challenges while being created. This time the gameplay hinges around a mirror which ages the player so they may reach more difficult goals, or de-age them so they may return to a child.
The concept lent well to dreamlike themes and Alice in Wonderland-like props to emphasize time and illusion. I don't remember the exact prompt, but it might have had something to do with time.
One of the hardest challenges for this was finding a mirror that would work with this concept, and creating the custom player controller that would allow for the transformation. Because of the unusual concept, I had to make the player controller and attach all of its animations by hand from mixamo files, and rig the grey blobby people. I also handled finding the red glowing shader and I think its implementation, as well as all the asset gathering, placing, re-texturing, and sound finding. Jaeger handled all the other code elements and the puzzles that came from the weird swapping! https://github.com/njager/G390_JagerMeadows_Red
As it is 3 years old, I will once again have to rely on the asset folder to figure out the origin of these free assets.
Unfortunately, most of the assets are from various sources across the net, with some no longer existing, and some converted out of their various forms. The switch, for instance, is a 3d print file converted to fbx and retextured. The roses were from a website that I can't even find anymore.
Sand from: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/2d/textures-materials/floors/yughues-free-...
Hologram texture: https://forum.unity.com/threads/released-free-hologram-material.506838/
The music is Aldurathan - The Mind Orchestra
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